Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Welcome to The New Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools, our houses of worship--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.

The following letter appeared in last week's Gazette:

Letter to the Editor:

Somebody’s gonna get hurt! There are now more battery-operated conveyances around the village and on the sidewalks and roadways than ever before and I am concerned about safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

Some examples include bike riders on the sidewalks, bike riders pedaling through stop lights and stop signs. Segues, skateboards, scooters, unicycles...yes unicycles in the roadways and on the sidewalks. The ability of these vehicles to stop quickly is a problem.

Most of the riders do not have any helmets or safety gear and if they have the gear it hangs on the handlebars. This includes the non-battery bicycles as well. My favorite observation is the parent with children wearing helmets and the parent without. A mixed signal for children.

I was behind a weaving skateboard on Benedict Blvd., the other morning and the rider was listening to music or a podcast through his ear buds. At least I was aware of what was going on around me, he appeared to be elsewhere as he powered through the stop light at the end of the street without stopping. Nice hair blowing in the wind and no helmet. Someone's gonna get hurt!

Some pedal assist e-bikes now exceed 30 mph as do some of these other battery powered vehicles. Perhaps It is time to consider some regulations, registration, education, and enforcement. I would venture to say half the bikes around the village are not properly equipped with lights, horns, or bells to alert pedestrians. I also think most of the riders do not know the rules or that bicycles are considered vehicles.

I know some other towns and villages have helmet laws. Why not Croton? Are we worried that our small village identity would be compromised? Would we put that above safety?

The small village idea is disappearing quickly as more large-scale developments come online. Virtue signaling is not the answer. The 25-mph speed limit is an example. It is time to address these issues and not kick the can down the road. Educate and enforce or somebody’s gonna get hurt!

Bob Anderson

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