Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Don’t let the COVID tyrants rewrite history By Brady Leonard--May 03, 2023 01:01 PM

In a move that should shock absolutely no one, the COVID lockdown era’s most nefarious actors are now attempting to Jedi-mind-trick their way out of taking responsibility for their actions.

Mountains of evidence have emerged that show that lockdowns, masking, and school closures did little to nothing to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and our government overlords have decided that lying is preferable to admitting to their mistakes.

Randi Weingarten , the head of the powerful union and Democratic Party slush fund American Federation of Teachers, lied to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic last week, claiming she was in favor of reopening schools in early 2020. In reality, the AFT did everything in its power to prevent schools from reopening.

Any plan to reopen schools came with ridiculous demands of additional funding and suspension of teacher evaluations, among other items on its lefty wish list. The AFT’s Los Angeles affiliate went so far as to demand "Medicare for all" and a ban on charter schools in return for teachers doing their jobs.

The face of the largest expansion of government power at least since the New Deal, Dr. Anthony Fauci, would like you to believe he bears no blame whatsoever for the death and destruction caused by lockdowns. He told the New York Times, “Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did. I gave a public health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that.” Fauci knows this is nonsense; corporate media and the Democrats turned him into a celebrity, and authoritarian-minded governors coast to coast hung on his every word. MORE AT Don’t let the COVID tyrants rewrite history (

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