Saturday, September 14, 2024


Welcome to The New Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools, our houses of worship--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.

Welcome to The New Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools, our houses of worship--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.

September 8, 2024

To the Editor,

And the Voice of Croton was heard in the land!!

To the cheers of thousands of Crotonites, Gary Eisinger and Nigel Ravelo have stepped forward to run as independent candidates for the Village Board this November. Study those names carefully and memorize their spellings, because Gary and Nigel are write-in candidates and you will have to carefully enter their names on the ballot if we are to preserve the character and quality of life in our village.

The major issue is the hurried pace of development in Croton, fostered by the current single-party Village Board. They seem hell-bent on imposing hundreds of new apartments and over 1,000 new individuals on our community within a few short years. Gary and Nigel will put the brakes on such development. They will ensure that we know the full impact of those projects already approved before they authorize any new ones. Gary and Nigel will represent and work for you, the residents of Croton, to preserve your quality of life. Unlike the members of the current Board who appear to be championing the pecuniary interests of developers over the welfare of our community.  But that’s only part of it. 

Dozens of citizens make heart-felt statements before the current Board and
hundreds sign petitions calling for a slowdown in development. And the Board’s reaction? To completely ignore such pleas and go crashing ahead with one new development after another.

Gary and Nigel will not only be your Voice on the Board, but will also be your Ears. They will listen attentively to what you have to say and hear your ideas for a better future for our village.  

The Dems, in their infinite wisdom, have nominated Maria Slippen as their candidate for the open seat.  Those of you who remember Ms. Slippen’s last tenure on the Board will recall that she championed the  policy that citizens should not be permitted to voice their opinions at Board meetings. Your statements  were “distractions,” she said. We certainly don’t need any more of that in the future.

So carefully write down the names: GARY EISINGER and NIGEL RAVELO.  

Memorize the spellings.  And, in November, write their names in on the ballot and we will all benefit. Remember, your vote for the Village Board is just as important to the future of Croton as your vote for national office is to the future of our country.

Joel E. Gingold

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Welcome to The New Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools, ou...